Friday, June 20, 2014

Kings under the mountain

“Look at this! Let’s split the price and get them. This is a bargain!” he said.
“My Preciousssssss!”. was my reaction.
“We will be kings of the miniatures if we get these!” he said.
“Kings under the mountain with a treasure of miniatures! My Preciousssss miniatures!”. I said.
“Kings under the mountain!” We both started looking at eachother and took the decision to buy them...

 I’m not really sure if it went the way I just described. This is just how it evolved in our minds. When we think back about the moment we found out about the miniatures. A good batch of miniatures for a fair price.

 After we got the miniatures by mail we started splitting them up. +Werner Kellens  with plans in mind to go back to his old love and play scenario’s from the journey books. Me thinking about scoring some miniatures with a great story, and further expanding my collection.

 So we started dividing them. In all the batch we only had “half” a conflict on an old radagast model. +Werner Kellens left it for me, I left miniatures for his scenario’s. Because that is how our +The Fellowship of the Miniatures works.

I’ll leave you guys with some pictures below… Enjoy!

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